Ordering Info

Take a look at some of my creations and what's on the menu at www.heartofthebatter.com

To order cakes, cupcakes or cake pops please contact me at carina@heartofthebatter.com

You can also find me on facebook by searching Heart of the Batter

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Date with Dr. Oz

Ok, so Doctor Oz isn't actually part of today's posting, but I love his show and would like to share with you some medical facts in the Dr. Oz style. As a baker, of course I have to think about what people like best, and how to 'give the people what they want' and as the original cupcake taste tester I had to think about my own needs and dietary issues. So, here come the facts...

Celiac disease (very similar to gluten/wheat allergy/intolerance) is a medical condition in which the absorptive surface of the small intestine is damaged by a substance called gluten. This results in an inability of the body to absorb nutrients: protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for good health.Although statistics are not readily available, it is estimated that 1 in 133 persons in Canada are affected by celiac disease. At present there is no cure, but celiac disease is readily treated by following the gluten-free diet. 
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, triticale, and barley. In the case of wheat, gliadin has been isolated as the toxic fraction. It is the gluten in the flour that helps bread and other baked goods bind and prevents crumbling. This feature has made gluten widely used in the production of many processed and packaged foods. (www.celiac.ca)

Lactose intolerance occurs when a person cannot break down the sugar lactose, that is found in milk. The enzyme lactase is missing, or not working properly for this to occur. People from Africa, Asia, the Orient, as well as Aboriginal North Americans are more prone to lactose intolerance than others. Overall, approximately 1 in 9 people are affected. Adults are more likely than children to be lactose intolerant.
A milk allergy is when a person is allergic to the protein found in cow's milk, and is much more serious. About 1-8% of infants have milk allergies, but milk allergy in an adult is quite rare. Most children will grow out of this problem by age 3. Until that time, breast milk is the perfect food for the child. If this is not possible, then a milk protein-free formula and foods are given. (www.homefamily.net)
*If you think you may be lactose or wheat intolerant, speak to your doctor. While lactose intolerance causes mostly short term and immediate discomfort, gluten inclusive diets can have long term negative effects on people with celiac disease.

So, why am I giving you this information session? This is a topic near and dear to my heart (or I suppose my stomach) because I am both lactose AND wheat intolerant! (I wonder what the chances of that are?!) I live in a world of testing out different products that claim to be 'just as good as the real thing'...most of which, in the early days of 'health food' did not live up to their promises. I understand how difficult it can be to be the one person at the party who can't eat the pizza, or the girlfriend who can't have chocolate's on valentines day...and worst of all, I know how bad it feels to be the one who can't have any of their OWN birthday cake!!! Well I say, NO MORE! This is why, as much as I bake with standard ingredients, I also offer gluten free, lactose free (and sometimes both) kinds of cakes! So you can have your cake, and eat it too! (Sorry, I couldn't resist...)  And trust me, I found out about these intolerances about 15 years ago, so I have had lots of time to do the leg work, find out what products are the best substitutions, and what products are worth the extra money. 
So this is my gift to you, and your tummy...truly delicious baked goods without the guilt or the stomach aches!
As I continue to post the cupcake of the day, I will include products you can try out if you would like to make your own baked goods gluten or lactose free. Knowing where you can find a good health food store will help you to find some of these products, however it seems the rest of the world is finally jumping on the bandwagon and most grocery stores are carrying many soy, rice and almond products. 
Be good to yourself, treat your body well and if all else fails, keep calm and have a cupcake!
Until next time,
Happy baking, caking and tasting
Love and Sprinkles, xoxo
>>>Tell me about your experiences with lactose or wheat intolerance... Have you found any products that you love and think I should try out? Where do you shop to suit your dietary needs? Have any more questions about the gluten free diet? Please post your comments!<<<

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